Hi there! My name is Cindy Zhao, and I am currently an undergraduate student at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, studying Integrated Design Media, with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. I grew up in the Greater Boston area with my wonderful parents and my dog named Pixie! Both my parents are in STEM, which stemmed (haha, get it) my love for STEM as well. I love being outdoors, critiquing movies, writing Yelp reviews, and lots of other stuff! At university, I'm getting to learn about the intersections of technology and society, as well as deepening my knowledge of how to create impactful media. Get to know more about me through my work and socials. Glad you're here ◡̈

My inspiration for creating this website portfolio was actually because one of my final class projects was to create a portfolio website mock-up. aI just simply couldn’t not actually create one after that!

I’m a huge foodie! My current favorite cuisine is Korean food. Find me on Yelp to keep up with my fooding excursions!

Get in touch.

Let’s chat about anything!

an aspiring person

an aspiring person